applied kinesiology,dr. robert frost,

Applied Kinesiology Well Rounded Goal Setting

Well-roundness rules for goals during an AK session:

1. Visualized and formulated in the present tense - as if the desired state is present here now: "I am", not "I want".

2. Formulated in the positive (no, "I want to quit smoking", but rather “I want to be healthier)

3. Under your own control (no, "I will be happy when someone else changes in the way I want them to)

4. Described in terms of your five senses (What and how will you see, feel, smell, etc. when your goal is present here now?)-

5. Verifiable: How will you know when you have achieved your goal? What criteria will make you sure that you are "there"?

These fabulous 5 rules can be utilized during Applied Kinesiology sessions to help the patient move more strongly toward their goals!

--Dr. Robert Frost