

A 68-year-old female client told me a bit of her life story. She was a baby in Germany during WW2. She was the fourth child and was not wanted. Throughout her life, her mother blamed her for all her mother’s health (and other) problems. She recalls starving and watching her father eat without sharing anything with the children.

Her presenting problem, according to her, was a lack of trust that things would be all right; that she would have enough to eat and a warm place to sleep. As these were missing in her childhood, it was no surprise that she was insecure.

Though her story, I came to know of some of her belief system. She was quite spiritual, but not religious. She believed in divine parents, had some access to her life before birth, and believed in life after death. She knew that God loves her, but often didn’t feel it. Many times when difficulties arose, she went into a dark mental-emotional hole and just didn’t care. At such times, she became very pessimistic and stopped trying to make things better. Then she would sink into depression and remain there for days, weeks or even months.

We spent a lot of time getting her to define her desired state very precisely. This is most important. Without a well-defined goal, one makes no measurable progress. A well-defined goal needs to:

1) be stated in the present as if it is true now,
2) be stated in the positive (no symptoms or problems mentioned whatsoever),
3) harmonize with her life situation so as to not produce avoidable problems with herself or with others (the ecology check),
4) be verifiable (she should know without a doubt if she has achieved it).

What she wanted was to know with certainty that she would always have enough food to eat and a warm place to sleep. She wanted an unshakable belief that the divine mother would always be there for her and take care of her.

In the session, we cleared her energy in present time and used age recession to identify other times in her life that needed clearing. The second age recession landed us in the time when her mother was three months pregnant with her. This is about the time when the mother becomes aware that she is pregnant. As she was not a wanted child, this was when her mother began cursing her and even tried unsuccessfully to have an abortion.

The process of age recession is postulated to awaken many of the brain neurons that were active at the recessed time; to evoke the energy patterns that were active back then. As she was only a tiny fetus, I had to work with imagery that could conceivably be present at that early developmental stage. To do so, I built upon her beliefs.

To assist the process, I could have had her drink some placenta extract. As I had none available, I used a good alternative: pure rose oil. I placed a drop under her nose so she would smell it during the treatment and had her put a drop on her tongue as well. Then we both closed our eyes and I guided her to “recall” how before conception she was with her divine parents, the ones who are always there for her. My words were something like: “Recall how you were as a spirit – fully free and ever loved. Remember how your divine mother and father instructed you for your journey into this lifetime. You knew then, more or less, the severity of the conditions you were to have with your parents. And you chose this for the lessons it would bring. Suffering engenders compassion. There is no way you can develop compassion without having gone through similar suffering. And you are a very compassionate person now, thanks to the hardships of your childhood. Though they were terrible, the served a worthy purpose. They made you the deeply caring person that you now are.

“At this recessed time, three months into your mother’s pregnancy with you, your physical mother is very angry and is directing that anger towards you. Of course, that is very upsetting. At this time, you are not yet fully associated with your baby body so let’s back up away from the body and recall where you came from. Remember how your divine mother is – absolutely loving and always there for you. Bathe in this love. Absorb this love and become absolutely secure that her love is always there for you.”

I talked for quite some time and was surprised at the fluidity and beauty of the words that formulated in my mind to say to her. I gave her some time and asked her to be sure that she was clearly established in this always and endless love – that she would never forget or doubt it. Then I told her, “Your mother this lifetime was not a very good representative of this type of love. But know that your mother’s foibles in no way diminish the divine love of your “real” mother. Keep that connection to your divine mother as we go back into the developing fetus.”

Having her hold that image and feeling of constant love and care, I brought her back through the years of her life and into present time. I spoke of some of the life issues she had mentioned and that we had processed in prior age recessions and made sure that she had the divine mother love connection while thinking (“revisiting”) stressful events of her life.

During this process, as we went back to her divine parents, I felt the “doors of Heaven open”. There was a profound peace, great intensity, and boundless love. She felt it too. After this session, her posture, facial gestures, vocal tone and speech patterns were clearly different. Feedback then, later, and from her other therapists confirmed that she was profoundly changed and more at peace with her world. It worked.

Dr. Robert Frost--

Applied Kinesiology and Voodoo

Bell's theorem is absolutely fascinating. It is derived only from mathematical logic. As long as our rules of logic are correct, Bell's theorem must also be correct. Although thus "proven", what it implies is unclear.

Actually, the validity of Bell’s theorem implies that one of three basic assumptions is wrong:

1. Logic is valid.
2. "Reality" is something that exists separate from observation.
3. Information cannot travel instantaneously from one point to another; cannot travel faster than the speed of light.

Logic is likely valid. If not, we need a whole new mathematics and philosophy.
If number 2 is the invalid culprit, then the world we perceive is only that way because of our perception of it. What we call reality only comes into existence as a result of our perception. This sounds like the Toltec belief: That the world we perceive is a creation of our minds. Their awakened members contend that when they move their assemblage points, they perceive totally different realities.

If number 3 is wrong, then information can travel faster than light as assumed above. Perhaps it can’t. But if it can’t, then number two is incorrect which means that our world is much less "objective" and "real" than most imagine! It would be more accurate to state that the world as you know it comes into existence as a result of your act your observation.

Either answer is very mysterious and wonderful. Could it be that parts of the universe are in constant contact with one another instantaneously, no matter how distant from one another? This sounds like a scientific proof of the unity of all existence. Or perhaps reality as we experience it has no existence in and of itself. It is generated by our personal and social acts of observation. Whichever one of these two (or perhaps both) is the case, we are in a far more amazing universe than most imagine."

This is quoted from the webpage
There, about 2/3 the way through the huge page, is the story of Bell's theorem and a photo of the man who derived it.


Concerning "spirit" in blood, I made a fascinating discovery. A friend, a medical doctor at the dinner table, had a small cut on her finger. I gathered a bit of her blood on a tissue and placed it in a little plastic bag. Another friend, a man at the table, volunteered for an experiment. First, I did meridian diagnostics on the doctor with the cut. Then I energy balanced the volunteered man so all his meridians were in balance. Then had him place the bag with the blood under his belt near his skin. Next I did meridian diagnostics on him. With the little packet of blood upon his body, he had the precise energy imbalances that the doctor had. The presence of her blood near his body put him into her energy imbalanced state.

The next part sounds a bit like voodoo! I energy balanced him while the little packet of blood was upon his body. He was put into balance. Then I went back to the doctor and found that she too was in complete energy balance. I balanced him to her blood and she was put into balance with no direct contact whatsoever.

--Dr. Robert Frost

Incarnating In a Human Vehicle

We are incarnating in a human vehicle. Many "animal" behaviors come built into this experience. We tend to think that we "are" these behaviors, but in truth, they are part of the human-animal vehicles built in patterns. It is up to us to objectively observe (key 1), remember (key 2) who we are, and lovingly (key 3) guide ourselves into wisely chosen behaviors.

It has taken ages to develop an animal vehicle that has the capacity for incarnation by human consciousness. It is a wonder, not to be demeaned in any way. But the wise learn to recognize the animal vehicle tendencies for what they are instead of defending them as one's own self.

Driving along the coast South from Los Angeles one early Sunday morning, I was thinking of this animal vehicle. I decided to try to talk with it. I said, "Animal vehicle I am living in, it is rather cold and overcast just now, but I do have a swim suit, fins and a towel in the trunk. Do you want to go swimming and body surfing before going home?"

My body began to hop and bop about like a dog when you ask him if he wants to go for a walk!

I laughed and told my animal, "OK, I get the message. Let's go swimming."

Honor your animal vehicle. Get to know what it wants and needs... and fulfill these regularly. You'll be healthier and happier for it.

Dr. Robert Frost

The Most Important Spiritual Practice

The most important spiritual practice is that of freeing the
subconscious from the compulsion to elaborate every suggestion it
receives from self-consciousness. This is the slavery of the woman to
the man. It happens inside of each one of us.

I have elaborated this suggestion a bit. I try to improvise what I say
so it is "fresh" each time. The essence is like this:

"Subconscious mind, henceforth when you receive a suggestion from or
via me (self-consciousness), you will first compare it with
superconscious wisdom to which you have perfect access. If the
suggestion is in harmony with superconsciousness, great! Then elaborate
it to our heart's delight. If not, simply ignore it. Instead of
elaborating such false suggestions, reflect back to me,  your
self-conscious equal partner, the corresponding superconscious wisdom.
I, for my part, will endeavor to be ever more receptive to these
gleenings of superconscious wisdom reflected to me by you, my
subconscious equal-partner. Inspired by them, I will generate more and
more suggestions that are in harmony with superconscious wisdom. Thus
together we will harmoniously dance as each other's perfect equal
partner, completing the Great Work together."

Until she is made free within, a man will be unable to free himself
from the social habit of "ownership" of "his" woman without.

-Dr. Robert Frost