
Dealing with general hypertonicity

Some patients seem to test strong in all muscles, even after you apply muscle-weakening techniques such as spindle cell pinching or sedation point tapping. When I have such a hypertonic patient, the first thing I do is give them a glass of water to drink and help them to relax. It is my intention of assisting them to be aware of the subtle responses of their own body - and I tell them so. Then I put them on their back and stand over them. I gently test both anterior deltoid muscles simultaneously. In this position, I have great mechanical advantage.

Next, I strongly spindle cell pinch their anterior deltoid (on one side only). Then I ask them to be aware of the difference in the response of the two sides. I retest both sides, beginning with a very small amount of pressure and building up the test pressure until the weakened side drops a bit. Usually at this point, they hold their breath, tighten their whole bodies, call all the synergists into play and block any further motion of their arm.

When this occurs, I draw their attention to the fact. I tell them, "The muscle began to test weak and then you tightened up your body to block it from being weak. You are strong enough to add a secondary 'umph' and block the test. However, the first response of your body is the one we are looking for, not your ability to block."

Then I repeat the process. As the weakened side begins to fail in the test and the arm drops (even if only one inch), I ask them if they felt this response. If not, I ask them to watch their arm fall. Each time, I spindle cell pinch the belly of the muscle parallel to the direction of the muscle fibers (on the same one side only). When they see their arm fall, I guide them to feel it too. I request that when the muscle "gives" a bit, that that is the signal we are looking for. When they feel that sinking, they are to not add extra pressure but rather to allow their arm to fall.

Then I test them a few more times, using less and less test pressure. Soon, with this protocol, most everyone becomes easily testable!

These general hypertonic people are used to blocking in many areas of their lives. They are used to ignoring signals from their own bodies. I train them in this way to feel the subtle weakening of the one side, to admit it, and to allow it. This in itself can lead to many breakthroughs in awareness and response.

This protocol is my own and is not a standard method of AK. My book is about standard methods accepted by the top AK chiropractors and medical doctors. If this protocol doesn't work, then I will use nutrients and such as described in my book, which you can get here:


--Dr. Robert Frost