Occular Migraine Relief

A few months ago the time leading up to a marriage ceremony was a major stress producer for me, and I was suffering from occular migraines.

I've had some good results with myself and others with these kind of headaches.
They often arise from stress - specifically stress in the big neck muscles that attach to the back of your head.

This often occurs because we carry our heads way out in front of the line of gravity through our bodies.

When the head is out there, the muscles at the back of the neck have to hold hard all the time to keep the head from falling forward onto the chest.
After days/weeks of this, the skull becomes slightly distorted - pulled down in the back. This distorts the orb of skull surrounding the eyeball, eventually causing pain and visual disturbances.

Long-term Solution: Better posture in general with the head in balance on top of the upright spine. Get out of so much stress.

Remedy for acute pain: Lie on your back comfortably, soft pillow under the head and neck. Put your hands over your eyes, fingers on top of your head, heels of the ˙ands directly upon the eyes. Relax the eyes and imagine them falling back into your head. Imagine your nose, lower forehead and all around your eyes softening, melting, and falling back into your head. When this is working right, it kind of feels like the part of your face all around your eyes if "going down the drain" and sinking in at the root of the nose.

When that far, press a bit upon your eyeballs and feel them sink back into their sockets. Imagine them falling all the way to the spot at the back of your neck where your neck meets your head. If when you press on your eyeballs, they don't sink in, you are still holding your ocular muscles too tightly. Relax them consciously until when you press, you can feel them sinking into your head.

Step 2: Put one hand at the base of your skull and the other one on the top of your head and forehead. Gently pull the base of your skull toward the top of your head. With the other hand, gently pull the top of your head forward and your forehead downward. You are encouraging your skull to return to its normal state.

--Dr. Robert Frost